Los Angeles Times Logo
"Slaight is comedic gold!"


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"This episode (The Young & the Restless) is also memorable for a special guest appearance by the unforgettable Izzy played by Brad Slaight -- the sleaze-meister a desperate David contacts to repair his face."


Drama Logue Logo

“...Slaight with the most pithy lines...a sure audience pleaser.”


"Surprise and delight of the production was Brad Slaight ...armed with a great sense of physical and verbal timing, he makes the customarily tiresome role something it rarely is, funny."


Los Angeles Times Logo
"The most fun is watching Slaight change roles...he travels from Ryan's poorly disguised insecurities to Dan's (who once shone as a child TV star)buried bitterness." 


nohoarts distric logo

“Bradley with his own brand of humor, used the audience as targets for some of the most classic and fresh comedy material around. Kept the pace moving fast and fun he filled the entire event with energy!”


Los Angeles Times Logo
"Slaight's dialogue maintains the rhythm and nature of real conversation, which drifts toward a sense of self-discovery."